
lundi 19 mai 2014

Raleigh sport 1978

Voici le dernier arrivé: un raleigh sport à ne pas confondre avec un superbe. 

Le "Superbe" était une version de luxe, du Sports. Le Superbe est vend généralement avec un système d'éclairage de DynoHub , une clé de verrouillage de fourche, un porte-bagages et une selle améliorée (Brooks B66 à la place de la B72 utilisée sur les Sports). Le porte bagage est présent mais je l'ai enlevé pour des questions esthétiques

La pub de l'époque sur le catalogue de 1962 suggère de manière trés rigolote que la Dynohub serait "idéale pour l'éclairage d'urgence dans votre abri antiatomique."
Pour des raisons de marketing, Raleigh vendait également ces bicyclettes sous le nom "Rudge" et "Humber"

Celui ci est en bon état de conservation/ en voilà quelques photos
 A remarquer le garde chaine intégral qui se retrouve uniquement sur les modèles vendus en Europe.  Aux usa ils étaient vendus avec un pare carter simple pour une question de poids et de taxes.

Le logo du porte lampe
Le locker avec les instructions de sécurité
Les freins avant à tringles

Le shifter sturmey archer

Les logos et le telephone de l'importateurLes freins arrière : original non?
Freins et passage des tringles
Le vélo vient de Bordeaux cycles verdeuns. 
Très populaire dans les années 70

Le logo arrière
Le pare chaine

Le catalogue d'époque

1962 Raleigh Superbe1963 Raleigh Sports



jeudi 8 mai 2014

Restauration delta nostalgie

Last week I found some parts in my garage and l thought usefull to use them for starting a new "bike recycling"
Not something sophisticated but only simple to do. Just for the pleasure.
As all the parts were standard, I tried to find a very standard bike for this work and I bought this delta. Only the frame was in correct condition.
This brand is building bicycles in the Nord of Holland, but is making cheap models for everyday use. I suppose that many parts of these bikes are Imported. For example, the broken wheel with one speed was imported from Eastern Europe.

Recently, the name of the brand as changed and theses bikes are sold under the name of Avallon.
You can buy a new one for less than 300 euros , but fixing used objects is more Interesting. 
Here are the pictures before.

The owner was very nice and this bike has not been mistreated, it is only a used bike with many years of outdoor service.

At startup the rear wheel mechanism was broken, the chain was rusted and inefficient, the tyres were not able to ride safely, the light was really out of age, the chain guard was out of it's mind as you will see on the pictures.

This is before BEFORE



I cleaned everything and  changed the rear and the front wheels, I used a lot of W 40, the sponge of the kitchen, Some soap, and an old brake coming from a french bicycle of the sixties.

After an entire afternoon the bike looks better. It is not new but ..... it works and there's no rust anymore on the chrome. ☺

The chainguard chrome protector is brand new. Not really new. It is the same but cleaned and brushed during a long time !

The saddle is a Royal Gel very comfy. The old one was not so bad but less comfortable.  on

This one comes from an old gazelle. The look is not so nice but the saddle is soft !
The bike looks smart

Put a front brake on it. The front bulb is an old one but it works !

After some work the chrome looks "shiny". The kitchen's 0000 sponge for inox has been "lost"

dimanche 4 mai 2014

Nice sunday trip on Gazelle crossframe 1950

Nothing spécial today apart from a 22 kms ride in the fields ......with the crossframe.
As there is not gear hub the hills are sometimes real nightmare.
Anyway, I did not see any other bike of 1950 in all the overcrowdy path !!!!
HUUU I was so proud !
Take the sunny days of life !

samedi 3 mai 2014

Saturday morning road test with my Trimsport gazelle 1975 bike essai

Hello ,

This Saturday I had to go to work and it is a sunny day. So  I took my old trimsport 1975 to go to the hospital and of course, I would like to publish a short review of this experience !

First of all we are in france: see the small plastic bag on the bicycle ?  it is full of croissants for the nurses I am working with !!!

I have not seen many reviews of this bike on the internet but, as it is an old model, I suppose that there is no journalist to test it, and that there is no bike journal to publish this test. 
Anyway this bike is a "hidden treasure" and I aml sure that, if you are interested, you'll find easily one of them on the internet. 

The bike is in "original condition" apart from the brook saddle. It replaced a few month ago the old lepper leather saddle. I am keeping it in the garage and, when I will have enough money, I will send it for changing the leather cover.

The frame is a "diamond type". Size 57 cm. In comparison with the frame of the toer populair it is a "thin frame". And the bike is light. So the "sports" denomination seems to be a reality.
In fact this bicycle is "all steel" and very far away from actual sportsbike. It was a very light, everyday use bike but nothing else. 

The color is an old grey or an old green : I am not sure. It is in good condition for i'ts age. 

The brake system is almost the same that you can find on the toer populair and on the raleigh sports. "Full metal" It is nice to drive and to stop with only one hand.

The bell is a classic gazelle model. See the others pictures of this bike in this blog.

The riding position is nice, even if the bike is not as comfortable as toer models. 

The most interesting thing is the easy feeling when riding.

The bike is fast and it is a real pleasure to use this "sports" bike who has nothing to see with a Tour de France model.

You are the driver.............................see the rabbit crossing in front of you ?

The "roses road". I take it when I go to work. 8 kms : Nice isn'it ? It was and old railway line used to transports the flowers of seine et marne in downtown paris. So you can go from here to paris in this very nice (and very unknow road)

The bulb lamp is a union instead of the initial nordlicht. Anyway it is exactly the same.

vendredi 2 mai 2014

Gazelle toer populair vélotaf

Bonjour à tous,
Je vous envoie un petit bonjour depuis le chemin des roses que je parcours le matin pour aller travailler avec mon joli Toer populaire .
Pour tout vous dire, il y a une zone industrielle et la N19 à quelques mètres. Pourtant on croirait être au paradis non ?
Alors pour tous ceux qui aiment le vélo, voici quelques images de reve.
Pas besoin d'aller sous les tropiques Non ?